Author: Imgin Detor

Takeover is an increasingly popular way of entering the business world. Learn more about financing a business transfer in this article. Business start-up and acquisition are two ways of entering the world of entrepreneurship. In a context where the population is aging, many owners wish to train a successor to whom to transfer their organization. Taking over is therefore an increasingly interesting avenue due to the diversity of businesses available to buyers. Obtaining financing is a crucial step in the success of the project, whether it is a start-up or an acquisition. However, obtaining financing for an acquisition is in…

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If you’re the type of person who can’t imagine life without a grocery store, consider yourself lucky. I mean, sure, it’s nice to have the option of ordering food from your couch at home and binge-watching Netflix in bed. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to stock up on all those things that you couldn’t find at the local market (or maybe even if you could find them). The good news is that there are plenty of ways for you to save money by shopping at your favorite supermarket and we’ve got tips on how. When to stock up If…

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When setting up a natural referencing strategy (or SEO strategy), having a high-performance site is essential in order to be able to hope to position yourself on the first page of Google. Many blocking factors can hinder the performance of your site and affect the user experience of it. In order to support you in your SEO strategy, I offer you my services to improve the technical aspect of your site. A few factors to consider when performing a technical SEO audit of your site. The loading speed of your site It’s no longer a secret that Google emphasizes the…

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